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Article Archive For James William Ferguson

  • Reverse Martingales by James William Ferguson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Reverse Martingales by James William Ferguson Perhaps the most celebrated legend in gambling lore tells of the French noble who, suspecting that he had detected an aberration in a roulette wheel on the Riviera, sent a team into the hall and had them record every coup. For several weeks he compiled the results until he learned the sequences to expect. Then, his suspicions confirmed, he rode the ""runs"" -- the consecutive reds or blacks, odds or evens, highs or lows -- in one grand foray after another until, finally, he broke the bank. Only once have I encountered an unbalanced wheel. It was in...

  • Martingales by James William Ferguson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Martingales by James William Ferguson It was the first time I had ever been in Las Vegas, the first time I'd played a Martingale, and my eyes had been riveted to the flashing roulette wheel for more than three hours. Finally, hearing the whispers behind me, I turned and saw the crowd, six deep, straining to see the play. I was shocked. I had not realized the magnetism a betting system exerts on a gambling crowd. ""How're they doing?"" someone whispered. ""Great. They're 'way ahead."" I caught the quick smile of a young blond woman wearing a mink stole near me. In the desert. In July, at 12...

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